The Final Week!

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Monday, 5/20/24

I decided we’re going to watch PT 109 For the last week of school.  I wanted to watch the movie and since I have nothing to teach and they don’t care, that’s what we’re watching!  For second-period History, they were on their phones the entire time. 

It’s also Senior Ditch Day, which means I only have three classes today.  It’s going to be a long day.

I’m not sure why they even have a Senior Ditch Day since these kids miss so much school they should have a day where all seniors come to class.  That would be different!

Tomorrow is Senior Prank Day.  I’m sure it will be memorable.

If, and I think it’s a big if, I do teach next year for the entire year, I will have a final of some sort.  Why?  Because there’s no reason for my being here, or the students for that matter, if I’m not teaching them anything.

I’m also slightly considering not turning my grades in unless asked.  There should be some kids who are repeating this class unless they passed the STAAR test in which case I guess they wouldn’t need to.

Tuesday, 5/21/24

Evidently, Juniors and Seniors can sign themselves out of school today only. 

I had one of my second-period kids come into my classroom for first-period asking if he could work on all his late assignments for my class.  I let him because I’m not a complete jerk, but I wanted to.  His mother was the one who called the principal complaining I was giving out assignments on homosexuality.

I had three students show up for my second-period class. 

It’s finals day but many students are exempt.  I do not have a final, I should have.  I’ve had several students stop in to ask if I was having a final.  Don’t you think I would have told you and I’d have some study material?  They seemed relieved.  If I do this again next year, I am going to have assignments or projects after the STAAR test.  This is way too boring.

The principal talked to me today about coming back next year.  They currently have three openings.  One for World History with Freshmen and Sophomores, another in Junior High, and my class.  I told him my preference is teaching U.S. History.  He said he has a meeting today and wanted to check with me before seeing what he could do.

I know there are times when this really frustrates me.  I also know how bored I’d be with nothing to do at home.  I also think I’m having a positive impact on some kids.

I’m covering sixth and seventh-period classes for another teacher.  I volunteered since I don’t think I’ll have any kids in my sixth-period class and I have seventh-period free, might as well.

I currently have one kid in my fourth-period class.  He’s trying to catch up on missed assignments.  If he doesn’t stop sniffling pretty soon I’m going to casually move my box of Kleenex to his desk.  Maybe he’ll get the hint.  This is my sleeper student.

There are two students in my eighth-period class.  They’re catching up on late assignments.  The one girl, who’s a junior, had to count out 32 plus 4 on her hand.  Seriously.  How do they get this far in school?  Never mind.  I know.

Wednesday, 5/22/24

I got a text from my principal last night.  He got the STAAR test results and sent me this:

I take this to mean below average is good here.  He even came out of his office to talk to me when I got in this morning.  Again, telling me how awesome I’ve done.

One of the counselors gave me the scores and four people failed.  There were 43 students.  Two were special ed and two I have not had in class since I’ve been here.  So, every kid I taught passed.

I’ve heard that there were quite a few people nervous about how the History test would go.  Maybe they should have been checking in with me then.

Thursday, 5/23/24

The principal wants me to go to graduation and sit with the faculty.  He’s checking if they have a robe for me.  I told him I’d attend.  He’ll forget about checking on a robe for me though.  Just like the other things he’s said he’d do.

I did find out this morning that last year for the STAAR test the school had 59% of students pass, while the state average was 71%.  I’m guessing the state made the test easier this year because they don’t graduate if they don’t pass the test.  The state administration can’t have that!  They dumbed it down so more kids passed.  Just like we’re doing with education overall.

Two girls just came into my classroom to have breakfast.  They’re two of my fourth-period unholy alliance.  I heard them coming down the hall, and one said let’s go sit with Mr. Chuck. 

I find that I’m getting more melancholy about the end of this adventure than I was about retiring from ComEd.  I’m going to miss this, even with the struggles I had at times.

I just had my last class.  I’ve had a few students ask if I was coming back next year.  Even had one very smart student, tell me that I was the best History teacher he’s ever had.  Another student, who was one of my unholy alliance, apologized for being so much trouble and also said that I was a good teacher and she liked how I taught.  I did a lot of PowerPoint presentations with worksheets where they’d have to write down keywords from each slide.  She said she found that very beneficial, well, she didn’t use the word beneficial, she probably doesn’t even know what it means, but that was her point.

Going Forward

I’m going to post some of the eulogies.  Just for entertainment purposes with a brief description of the person writing it.

I’m also going to re-read each blog and put together my impressions and thoughts on this experience.

As frustrated as I was at times, I got more satisfaction out of teaching these past few months than all my years working.  For possibly the first time, besides my family, I felt like I was having a small impact on helping to shape children.  I’d like to try it again for a full year to see what that would be like, and if I could improve their STAAR test results.

I think we forget sometimes how blessed we are to be able to help others and make a difference!

Gautam Rode

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